Presentation skills, assertiveness and oral communication
Uanset, om man trives med at være “PÅ”, eller hellere vil krybe udenom, kan alle have gavn af dette kursus.
Få enkle og effektive redskaber, der styrker din personlige performance stil, og tag ordet overbevisende og engagerende hver gang.
Du kan bruge teknikkerne uanset i hvilket fora du skal tage ordet i også virtuelt.
Hvorfor deltage på kurset?
Når vi skal formidle, skal der være balance mellem taler, indhold og visuelle midler for at skabe sammenhæng i fremlæggelsen.
Men, manglende gennemslagskraft, stemmeføring, nervøsitet og tidspres, kan påvirke vores performance, fremtoning og påvirkningsevne.
What do you learn on the course?
Speaking in public, presenting, and communicating successfully.
Hvordan du tænder for din gennemslagskraft, indtager rummet og kobler dit budskab sammen med stemmeføring, kropssprog og prosodi :kunstpause, volume, hastighed, variation og stemning.
With your new tools, your appearance, communication and performance will be cohesive, engaging and personalized.
Summa summarum, du lærer at kunne
- Perform, present and communicate successfully
- Create self confidence and impact
- Strengthen your appearance and tone of voice
- Use the space and engage the audience
- Præsentere budskabet effektivt
After the course you will be able to:
Warm up both mentally and physically before performance to ensure optimal performance.
Which foods can have a positive/negative impact on your performance.
Use space and visuals effectively and engage your audience from start to finish.
Know why there are certain colors and patterns you should avoid.
Master your voice and tone of voice for persuasive communication.
Understand why a straw is one of the most important tools you can use before you go "ON".
Use Power Poses and dynamic body language to enhance your appearance and presence in the room.
Know what to consider if you have a say in which room you present in.
Information about the course
Contact / att. Vibeke Krogsgaard / kontakt 21969911
Date and time 22. og 23. Januar 2025 kl. 9-16
Location Hotel Rungstedgaard , Rungsted Strandvej 107, 2960 Rungsted
Participants: 7
Preparation participants will receive a mail before the course
Catering Lunch and beverages throughout the entire course
Discount: Invite a colleague or friend and receive a 5 percent discount
Price kr. 7.900- eksklusiv moms // 9.875VAT included
Cancelation If you are prevented, it is possible to pass your place on to someone else or participate in another course at half price.
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