Personal Perfomance:
Oral communication and presentation skills

"You just need to stand up and say a few words about .....”

Many people face varying degrees of challenges when it comes to speaking and presenting. Either they may feel uncomfortable performing in front of others or struggle to convey their message effectively to their audience.  When you're "on", lack of impact, nervousness or time pressure can affect your performance.

In this course, you'll learn how to significantly improve your communication with some basic, simple techniques that will enable you to speak up and present in any situation.

This course is for anyone who wants to optimize their mindset, appearance, confidence, voice and body language, and transfer these skills to deliver content clearly and engagingly so that listeners understand, remember and apply the messages

Personal Perfomance:
Oral communication and presentation skills

"You just need to stand up and say a few words about .....”

Many people face varying degrees of challenges when it comes to speaking and presenting. Either they may feel uncomfortable performing in front of others or struggle to convey their message effectively to their audience.  When you're "on", lack of impact, nervousness or time pressure can affect your performance.

In this course, you'll learn how to significantly improve your communication with some basic, simple techniques that will enable you to speak up and present in any situation.

This course is for anyone who wants to optimize their mindset, appearance, confidence, voice and body language, and transfer these skills to deliver content clearly and engagingly so that listeners understand, remember and apply the messages

Impact Your

Learn to increase your impact , oral communication and strengthen your influence on your audience

Strengthen Your

Lær at tale overbevisende ved at styrke dit budskab gennem dit kropssprog og stemmeføringen

Become A Skilled Presenter

Learn how to become an engaging presenter from the moment you step onto the floor

What Does The Participants
Say About The Course?

"I have attended Vibeke's course "Personal Impact" no less than twice, because I had the opportunity to get an extended version of the course. It is the best course I have ever attended."
Anja Schremmer Hartmann
Administrator at Rigsrevisionen

What Does The Course Teach You?

  • Go beyond the edge of the stage and engage the audience from start to finish
  • Find inner peace, presence and speak with confidence
  • Communicate with a clear voice and body language that emphasizes the message
  • Use prosody to create meaning in words: emphasis, timbre, tempo, volume and artificial pauses
  • Get to the heart of the message both verbally and visually
  • Use the space, floor and visuals, create a cohesive presentation
  • Inspiration to clarify any visual aids such as slides and flipcharts, notice the course does not train Power Point structure.

The course begins with a theoretical presentation on the topics you will be training. You will be actively involved right from the start. You will then practice the course topics intensively and put the tools together with your presentation, following the motto "practice makes perfect" All participants will receive focused personal training from the trainer and a plan to implement the new skills effectively.


What Does The Course Teach You?

  • Go beyond the edge of the stage and engage the audience from start to finish
  • Find inner peace, presence and speak with confidence
  • Communicate with a clear voice and body language that emphasizes the message
  • Use prosody to create meaning in words: emphasis, timbre, tempo, volume and artificial pauses
  • Get to the heart of the message both verbally and visually
  • Use the space, floor and visuals, create a cohesive presentation
  • Inspiration to clarify any visual aids such as slides and flipcharts, notice the course does not train Power Point structure.

The course begins with a theoretical presentation on the topics you will be training. You will be actively involved right from the start. You will then practice the course topics intensively and put the tools together with your presentation, following the motto "practice makes perfect" All participants will receive focused personal training from the trainer and a plan to implement the new skills effectively.

What Will The Participant And The Company
Recieve From The Course

Get a colleague who can speak and present with confidence and non-verbal confidence in body language and voice

Få en medarbejder der formår at bruge rummet, visuelle midler, og whiteboard på en engagerende og tydelig måde

Get an employee with a strong profile who is able to present themselves, the content and the company in the best possible way

Få en kollega der kan formidle budskaber, forklare fakta, projekter, resultater og idéer klart og engagerende til sine tilhørere